Shinto Ways of Being Religious by Gary E. Kessler

NY: McGraw-Hill, 2005.  62 pages
ISBN: 0073016896  Selling around $20.00     

This is a college textbook which provides a series of reading texts
with questions for discussion.  However, that does not mean it is of no
use to the general reader.  In fact, it is highly informative for
anyone with more than a passing interest in Shinto.  The book is
organised into eight chapters from prehistory to the present (with an
extra chapter on the role of women).  In each case there is a clear
overview followed by a key reading passage to illustrate the thinking
of the times.  Examples include a passage from the History of the
Kingdom of Wei about Himiko for prehistory, to a passage on possession
in The Tale of Genji for the Heian period, and The GHQ Directive for
the abolition of State Shinto for the post WW2 period.  Overall the
book is solid, authoritative, and the texts well chosen.  This is
rewarding study for someone who is coming to Shinto with a keen
interest but little knowledge.  The author works at California State
University, Bakersfield.

Summary: Suitable for someone who wishes to progress beyond an
introductory book.  Can be bought separately or coupled together with
Kessler’s Eastern Ways of Being Religious.