For a bit of fun while avoiding the Kyoto heat, I was thinking of British parallels to the myths and developments of early  Japanese history and came up with the following.

ancient Britons/ Celts – Ainu and Jomon people, pushed to the periphery by later invaders

Saxons – Yayoi incomers, bringing new gods and setting up rival kingdoms

ascendancy of Wessex – Yamato ascendancy

Normans – Korean invaders (Egami’s horserider theory of a conquering elite who came in from the continent and whose cultural influence is felt to the present)

Kojiki – Arthurian myths.  I’m not sure if England or Britain have an equivalent founding myth to Kojiki, though Geoffrey of Monmouth’s ‘History of the Kings of England’ can certainly be equated to the Nihongi as legends threaded together into history.

Izumo Fudoki – Beowulf.    Link of east England to Scandinavia could be equated to the Izumo-Silla link

Arthur – Yamato no Takeru.  Legendary hero, blessed of the gods and owner of a sacred sword

St George – Susanoo.   Slew the dragon and became a hero.