Alan Watts has been talking about ‘Man and Nature’ in the fortnightly podcasts issued under his name.  Many of the points he makes relate to Shinto concepts.  The integration of humans and nature in ‘Daishizen’.  The way all human life is connected, to merge into a single kamihood after death.  The idea of harmony.

Most interesting of all, he explains the identification of self and the sun.  The Shinto mirror represents Amaterasu, the sun goddess.  But when you look in the mirror, you see yourself.  In this way, you become merged with the sun.  You are the sun.  Ridiculous?  In the passage below Alan Watts makes it seem absolutely logical.  Read on….


You see, the problem is this. We identify in our experience a differentiation between what we do and what happens to us. We have a certain number of actions that we define as voluntary, and we feel in control of those. And then over against that, there is all those things that are involuntary.

But the dividing line between these two is very inarbitrary. Because for example, when you move your hand, you feel that you decide whether to open it or to close it. But then ask yourself how do you decide? When you decide to open your hand, do you first decide to decide? You don’t, do you? You just decide, and how do you do that? And if you don’t know how to do it, is it voluntary or involuntary? Let’s consider breathing. You can feel that you breath deliberately; you don’t control your breath. But when you don’t think about it, it goes on. Is it voluntary or involuntary?

So, we come to have a very arbitrary definition of self. That much of my activity which I feel I do. And that then doesn’t include breathing most of the time; it doesn’t include the heartbeats; it doesn’t include the activity of the glands; it doesn’t include digestion; it doesn’t include how you shape your bones; circulate your blood. Do you or do you not do these things? Now if you get with yourself and you find out you are all of yourself, a very strange thing happens. You find out that your body knows that you are one with the universe. In other words, the so-called involuntary circulation of your blood is one continuous process with the stars shining.

If you find out it’s YOU who circulates your blood, you will at the same moment find out that you are shining the sun. Because your physical organism is one continuous process with everything else that’s going on. Just as the waves are continuous with the ocean. Your body is continuous with the total energy system of the cosmos, and it’s all you. Only you’re playing the game that you’re only this bit of it. But as I tried to explain, there are in physical reality no such thing as separate events.

So then. Remember also when I tried to work towards a definition of omnipotence. Omnipotence is not knowing how everything is done; it’s just doing it. You don’t have to translate it into language. Supposing that when you got up in the morning, you had to switch your brain on. And you had to think and do as a deliberate process waking up all the circuits that you need for active life during hte day. Why, you’d never get done! Because you have to do all those things at once.

That’s why the Buddhists and Hindus represent their gods as many-armed. How could you use so many arms at once? How could a centipede control a hundred legs at once? Because it doesn’t think about it. In the same way, you are unconsciously performing all the various activities of your organism. Only unconsciously isn’t a good word, because it sounds sort of dead. Superconsciously would be better. Give it a plus rather than a minus.

Because what consciousness is is a rather specialized form of awareness. When you look around the room, you are conscious of as much as you can notice, and you see an enormous number of things which you do not notice. For example, I look at a girl here and somebody asks me later ‘What was she wearing?’ I may not know, although I’ve seen, because I didn’t attend. But I was aware. You see? And perhaps if I could under hypnosis be asked this question, where I would get my conscious attention out of the way by being in the hypnotic state, I could recall what dress she was wearing.

In the philosophy of Alan Watts we all shine the sun

So then, just in the same way as you don’t know–you don’t focus your attention–on how you make your thyroid gland function, so in the same way, you don’t have any attention focused on how you shine the sun.

So then, let me connect this with the problem of birth and death, which puzzles people enormously of course. Because, in order to understand what the self is, you have to remember that it doesn’t need to remember anything, just as you don’t need to know how you work your thyroid gland.

So then, when you die, you’re not going to have to put up with everlasting non-existance, because that’s not an experience. A lot of people are afraid that when they die, they’re going to be locked up in a dark room forever, and sort of undergo that. But one of the interesting things in the world is–this is a yoga, this is a realization–try and imagine what it will be like to go to sleep and never wake up. Think about that.  Children think about it.  It’s one of the great wonders of life.  What will it be like to go to sleep and never wake up?

And if you think long enough about that, something will happen to you. You will find out, among other things, it will pose the next question to you.  What was it like to wake up after having never gone to sleep? That was when you were born. You see, you can’t have an experience of nothing; nature abhors a vacuum.  So after you’re dead, the only thing that can happen is the same experience, or the same sort of experience as when you were born.  In other words, we all know very well that after other people die, other people are born.  And they’re all you, only you can only experience it one at a time.  Everybody is I, you all know you’re you, and wheresoever all being exist throughout all galaxies, it doesn’t make any difference.  You are all of them.  And when they come into being, that’s you coming into being.

You know that very well, only you don’t have to remember the past in the same way you don’t have to think about how you work your thyroid gland, or whatever else it is in your organism.  You don’t have to know how to shine the sun. You just do it, like you breathe.

Doesn’t it really astonish you that you are this fantastically complex thing, and that you’re doing all this and you never had any education in how to do it?  Never learned, but you’re this miracle?  The point of it is, from a strictly physical, scientific standpoint, this organism is a continuous energy with everything else that’s going on. And if I am my foot, I am the sun. Only we’ve got this little partial view. We’ve got the idea that ‘No, I’m something IN this body.’  The ego.  That’s a joke.  The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention.  It’s like the radar on a ship. The radar on a ship is a troubleshooter.  Is there anything in the way?  And conscious attention is a designed function of the brain to scan the environment, like a radar does, and note for any trouble-making changes.

But if you identify yourself with your troubleshooter, then naturally you define yourself as being in a perpetual state of anxiety.  And the moment we cease to identify with the ego and become aware that we are the whole organism, we realize first thing how harmonious it all is.  Because your organism is a miracle of harmony.  All these things functioning together.  Even those creatures that are fighting each other in the blood stream and eating each other up.  If they weren’t doing that, you wouldn’t be healthy.