There’s a rather wonderful sympathetic account of the importance of trees culturally and spiritually to mankind in a BBC podcast, which I recommend.  Trees of Life  Duration: 18 minutes   First broadcast: Friday 14 February 2014

Wood is a vital human resource. But trees inspire myths and reverence. So, Mike Williams asks, why are our feelings about trees so mixed? He hears why every human age is a ‘wood age’, why trees are crucial to social life in African cities, why one New Zealander swapped cutting trees for spending nights in them, and why Danes fear global disease and climate change may lose them their mythical ‘tree of life’.

It includes the tree’s role in mythology and an account of a reformed arborist who gave up chopping down trees to climb and revere them…

It’s only on podcast for a limited time as far as I know, so it’s worth checking out now if you have 18 minutes free.