The Shimogamo ema for the Year of the Ox

A Happy New Year to all Green Shinto readers, and welcome to the metal Ox that will rule over 2021!

This year, because of the Covid virus, celebrations are less fulsome in Japan than usual. People have been advised to be mindful of social distancing, which means the large crowded scenes at shrines are likely to be thinned out as people choose to do their first visit of the year at other times than Jan 1-3.

Another indication of the times is that water basins are unlikely to be functioning because of the risk of infection from people sharing the same dipper to purify themselves. Instead most shrines have removed the dippers and advised foregoing the purifiction rite, or just use the alcohol spray provided instead.

Yesterday I visited my local shrine, the World Heritage Site of Shimogamo Jinja in Kyoto, and saw that the customary stalls that line the approach at New Year have been completely replaced by long lines of lanterns along the entrance path (sando). That must involve a great loss of income for some, and one hopes they will be compensated in some way. (Shrines too must be worried about a possible downturn in their New Year income, as it makes up a substantial amount of their annual income.)

For those looking for some Shinto spirit to inject into their New Year, here are some previous postings from Green Shinto. I hope they will help to console, or inspire, or provide a stimulus to see you into a new and better year to come.

No ladels, no people at the wash-basin this year
Purification by alcohol spray
No stalls this year but an avenue of lanterns to be lit at midnight
To banish those mid-winter demons, it will be burn, baby, burn


New Year traditions ….

Hatsumode (New Year visit) 2018

Happy New Year to all Green Shinto readers!

A Happy New Year

New Year zodiac animals