This year for my ‘first shine visit of the year’ I popped round to my local shrine, Shimogamo Jinja, just at the stroke of midnight to capture the atmosphere as the calendrical cycle started anew. I was expecting few people, but in fact there were a lot, mostly young I must say. At certain points social distancing was definitely not being practised. Will we see a spike in Covid cases in a week or two? Hopefully not… Kyoto has been relatively safe so far. Anyway you can be sure such concerns are in the prayers of the many worshippers lining up to ring the bell and alert the kami at the start of this promising new year. A plague on the pestilence! Demons out, Year of the Ox in!

Purification by alcohol spray

Illuminated approach with no busy and packed stalls
Donated lanterns along the path through Tadasu Wood, a first for the shrine
Plenty of people heading for the romon (entrance gate) in jovial mood
Even Covid-19 can’t stop Japanese breaking social distance to get their fortune slips
As part of the anti-Covid measures, choosing one’s fortune number can be done on mobile phones by clicking on the QR code.
One of the shrine buildings (reception area) has added stained glass this year. Were they emulating Christian churches? In the picture is yabusame (horse archery).
Social distance, wear a mask – keep quiet?!!
The temperature was 1 degree centigrade, but the cold was blasted aside by a huge shrine bonfire, spreading warmth for the year ahead. Happy New Year, everyone!


For more about New Year in Japan, please see the righthand column New Year and click on the postings that come up.